Annoying Orange :More Annoying Orange

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Has Annoying Orange finally met his match?!Check it out lolzzzz

Hes not alone there are some company with him.......

Annoying Orange :Toe-May_Toe

Orange meets Tomato. You can guess what happens next.

Toe-may-toeeeeeeee hey toemaytooo hey toemaytoo your are an Apple.haahahahahhaha

Annoying Orange:Plumpkin

Annoying Orange returns to annoy a Pumpkin for Halloween.

hahahaha I found this very funny when Orange said Hey Plum-keinn.. and how plumkin gets mad at him...

Annoying Orange: Wazzup

Annoying Orange hangs out with the whole gang. Spoof of the old Budweiser commercials.

I think Lemon is definetely MORE annoying than Orange.. =D
I like how The Annoying Orange just Say "Waazzaaaaaaa" ... Share Your Views And Comment..